Mission Statement

Our mission is to send the "tangible" love of Jesus Christ to his orphaned children throughout the world in the form of a blanket or bear.


Our vision is to send that warm and cuddly feeling of love through blankets and bears to orphanages in Africa, then Asia and eventually to all third world countries.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why not help here at home?

Many have asked me, why Africa? Why not help the little ones here? After speaking to the head of an orphange in Africa, he told me the children there have never even seen a stuffed animal before. The children walk in the doors with literally the clothes on their backs. There are not organizations there designed for these children. Most organizations in Africa for the poor and helpless were started and are there due to foreign aid. America is really blessed, more than we realize sometimes. There is already an organization called "Hugs Across America" that sends stuffed animals to children in need. I have read numerous stories of quilting groups through the United States that make blankets to send to children in homeless shelters. Ambulances, highway patrolmen, and police carry stuffed animals to give to children in times of distress as a form of security. We have seen the need here in America, and many are reaching the hurting children here, our mission is to send a hand to the hurting children in Africa and one day hopefully throughout the world.

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